About Marissa
I believe each of us are always on a healing journey, whether we're conscious of it or not. Our experiences are teachers, meant to shine light on parts of ourselves we've forgotten.
I used to believe all of our suffering was because we were identified with our thoughts and letting the mind run the show. If we could learn to change our mental patterns, we would be free. But that's actually only one part of it.
We are multidimensional beings and for true healing, true transformation to take place, we must work on all 5 levels of our being: mental, physical, emotional, will/behavioral and spiritual.
As human beings, we tend to search externally for fulfillment, for the answer to our deepest longing. The answers, of course, are within us. But because of all the different layers of conditioning we've picked up, accessing our core, our higher self, our knowing, is not necessarily a simple task. This is the work of Core Energetics: to help shed light on not only our unwanted patterns and conditioning, but our identification with them. And, over time, remember who we really are and learn to live life true to our essence.
I am here to hold space for all parts of you with total understanding and compassion. I welcome your primal emotions - the ones that often have no place in our every day life - grief, rage, despair, fear. I am walking this path with you.​
I am an Associate Core Energetics Practitioner. I graduated from the Seattle School of Body-Psychotherapy in 2023 and am now seeing 1:1 clients.
Outside of my passion for this work, you can find me outside with my dog, spending time connecting to Mama Earth.​​

Credentials & Experience
School of Unusual Life Learning (SoULL), a Body-Psychotherapy program (2024-Present)
Seattle School of Body-Psychotherapy, Core Energetics Practitioner Training (2020-2023)
Kula Collective, Vinyasa Yoga Teacher 200hr training (2017)
Aum Home Shala, Ashtanga Yoga Teacher 200hr training (2011)
MA in International Business, University of Florida (2015)
BA in Economics from University of Virginia (2014)
1:1 Core Energetics Sessions
Core Energetics is a synthesis of somatic psychotherapy and spiritual development. It is an approach to healing that works with the idea that human beings each have a ‘center of right energy’ or ‘core’ and this energy moves out from the center of our being into the peripheries of our body and out into the world. Naturally, this energy would flow unimpeded. During our early development, however, the energy gets blocked, blocking us from our very essence, our core. Our work in Core Energetics is to explore how and where our energy is blocked and work to have it flow more freely on all 5 levels of our being: the physical, emotional, mental, will and spiritual levels. Our suffering is directly tied to how we are blocking our energy on any of these 5 levels.
As we begin to release our suppressed emotions, our blocked energy, we will begin to integrate our experience on the 5 levels and have more access to our core energy. This will allow us the capacity to experience deeper authentic connection, creativity and pleasure.
I offer 1:1 sessions in Seattle and virtually. I recommend weekly sessions for at least the first 3 months. Every session looks different depending on what you would like to work on. We will explore this through talking, movement, physical and vocal expression, touch, mindfulness and more.
To read a longer overview of Core Energetics, check out my article!
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.